Our Story

Where do I start? I have collected pomades for about 5 years before I started Glass Hands. While scrolling through pomades for my collection online in 2020, I found myself rolling my eyes at brands that advertise their pomades as “Men’s Grooming Products.” In my frustration, I wondered if I could make pomade. Over the next few months I did a lot of research, learning, and brewing, and eventually made recipes that can compete with the best and that I am proud of. Through the learning process I compared my products to others and realized a lot of companies’ products weren’t as good as I thought they were, either not providing hold, being unscoopable, not having a good smell, or were overpriced. This made me realize that I actually made quality products, finding a strong balance between those factors.

Glass Hands for me is a way to help introduce people to the world of pomade and hair products. When I first cut my hair short, I was excited because I could feel more myself and to have cool hair styles. The only problem was, growing up with long hair I had no idea about hair products or styling. I see this happen a lot in roller derby. In coaching fresh meat I realized that a lot of people go through the same process as me. In roller derby there is a lot more freedom of expression and less gender boundaries than normal life. I see new skaters feel this freedom, feel great, and then cut their hair short and not know how to take care of it. Suddenly they feel like an awkward kid again trying to figure out how to style their hair in a way that makes them feel confident. I had a few years of awkward styling and experimenting until I found products that worked for me. This is why Glass Hands exists. It is here to help those look and feel great who don’t know exactly where to start or how to style.

What makes Glass Hands products different? Product wise, Glass Hands uses few ingredients to highlight their quality. Everything is made as fresh as possible in smol batches by hand, and have good hold, easy scoops, and smell great at an affordable price. Even our shirts are screen printed here by hand! Company wise, Glass Hands is hella different. First of all, none of that “Men’s Grooming Products” bullshit. All of our products are gender neutral. They work for all hair types and lengths, and have clean, fresh, gender neutral scents. We are also women run and owned, adding a unique perspective to pomade brewing, not to mention we donate proceeds from certain products to causes we believe in like Black Lives Matter and Abolish ICE.